Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No One ASK for Your Opinion lah ...

Yes, you heard me and you heard this correctly as well. Not to worry, as I am a well mannered and educated person so this phrase will never come out of my mouth to anyone at all. I am simply quoting this phrase as my topic of the month only. So where does this RUDE testament coming from? Well guess what, it is actually coming from a Senior C-Level & above Management personnel to a staff during a board discussion meeting.

This is the first time I heard that management did not even care to act as if they are actually hearing their staff out. Simply just say to the staff that no one is asking for their opinion, management are just looking for YES man & YES women in the office which they do not like to be questioned and challenged during meetings, so everyone should just be present there and SHUT UP, just listen and say the magic word none other than YES !!!

You might ask so what about management such as Air Asia or Digi or any others which encourage their people to ask them questions, think out of the box, challenge management with new ideas etc. YES they still exist and these are the companies which can see positive growth in the company with many loyal people who will go the EXTRA Mile for them without management ASKING or FORCING them at all simply because they felt the management are – WORTH IT !!!

Respect from staff to management is earned than forced or demand. You can’t demand for it when you are not worth it in the first place. Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror, think about what you have said and done and put yourself into your employee’s shoes? NOPE, because you are a BOSS and you are so AUTOCRATIC that you do not need any constructive opinions and suggestions from your employees, what you need are just YES men and women.

Corporations who are ONLY interested to hire YES men and women, I wish them good luck in their future undertakings. People are resources in a company, capable people should be treated with respect and should be given a peaceful work place for them to think and help the business grow. People in different department and division need to contribute in their own professional ways towards the company’s goal. Directions and message should set clearly and communicate directly to people so all will have an understanding and willingness to work towards the goals which benefit the whole company.

Management who threaten their employees to produce, force people to do something against their will, delay salary payment, deny to contribute to EPF can only go so far. Come on we are into year 2011 already, do you think threatening works? You are just driving all your capable people away and who else remain? Eh…. Um… those YES men and women.

Management should value their people whom will suggest ideas to them as these people are willing to voice out ideas, concerns and willing to source for a solution to help with the business. Do you think it is easy to get employees like that? Nope, I don’t think so. The world has a lot of YES men and women and still there is business management out there who may act as if they are hearing their people out in which they are not and just wanted their people to shut up.

I congratulate those people who work for corporations which has management whom are sincere into hearing them out. Congratulate those corporations which they are able to hire capable personnel which voice out concerns, contribute ideas and offer solutions when encountering problems. I sincerely believe these people and corporations will go much further and faster in the coming future.

Oh, yes by the way; No One ASK for your Opinion lah …

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